204 | |
Cardinal | two hundred [and] four |
Ordinal | 204th (two hundred [and] fourth) |
Numeral system | 204 |
Factorization | |
Divisors | 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 17, 34, 51, 68, 102, 204 |
Roman numeral | CCIV |
Binary | 110011002 |
Octal | 3148 |
Duodecimal | 15012 |
Hexadecimal | CC16 |
204 is the natural number following 203 and preceding 205. It may be written as "two hundred four" or "two hundred and four".
204 is the sum of consecutive primes in two different ways: as the sum of a twin prime (101 + 103) and as the sum of six consecutive primes (23 + 29 + 31 + 37 + 41 + 43).
204 is a refactorable number because it has 12 divisors, and 204 is divisible by 12.
As a figurate number, 204 is a nonagonal number and a square pyramidal number (the sum of the first eight squares).
204 is a member of the Mian–Chowla sequence, being the smallest number after 182 such that the pairwise sums of the previous terms are all distinct.
204 is a Harshad number in base 10.